
Wednesday, January 6, 2010


It has been observed that the year 2009 was a very horrific and destructive year for pakistan.reportedly,73 suicide attacks occured in this year which left 1037 naive people to death while 3300 military and paramilitary security personnels were targetted by the perpetators.
It was the 2009 year which gifted us the kerry lugar bill,,sawat crisis,IDP issue,Balouchistan issue, sugar crisis,inflation danced in the air,about 10,000 people lost their jobs in reaction of 10th muhram attack at karachi. on the one hand,this year may be proven a year of triumph for those miscreants who on the name Jihad,are killing women children and man inspite of their faults.on the other hand,they are claiming that islam has been kept alive due to their jihad against infidals.if the jihad is against the infidals then why ordinary people have been left to death.has islam given them authority to kill naive children,women and man?Rather it is the islam which has said that in the time of war or jihad "dont humilate palm tree",dont kill non-combatants,women,children but taliban are doing oppose to the islamic eithics.Although the year of evils has come to end,May this 2010 year be more productive,peaceful and prosperous for pakistan.

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